Ledger.com/Start® | Official

Ledger.com/start is more than just a website – it's a comprehensive platform designed to revolutionize the way you manage your finances.

Powering Up Your Device

  • Step-by-step guide on how to power up a Ledger device.

    • Step 1: Unboxing: Opening the Ledger device package.

    • Step 2: Connecting to Power: Plugging in the device using the provided USB cable.

    • Step 3: Turning On the Device: Pressing the power button.

    • Step 4: Initializing the Device: Setting up a PIN code and writing down the recovery phrase.

    • Step 5: Verifying Firmware: Checking for and installing any available firmware updates.

Installing Apps

  • Instructions on how to install cryptocurrency apps on the Ledger device using Ledger Live.

  • Explanation of app management and storage limitations on Ledger devices.

Last updated